Yongkang Tebang Paint Co., Ltd.


Yongkang Tebang Paint Co., Ltd.

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How does the thermal spray spray the sprayed material?


1, thermal spraying

Thermal spraying is a method of forming a special surface layer by atomizing, spraying and depositing particles melted or near the molten state onto the surface of the substrate by heating the sprayed material with a heat source.

At present, there are three main types of heat source used for spraying: one is the arc heat source, the other is the plasma heat source, the other is the gas heat source. And thus the thermal spraying method can be divided into arc spraying, plasma spraying and flame spray Xu three categories.

2, spray welding (or spray melting)

Spray welding is the use of heat to the material heating, spray to the substrate surface, and then melt it to the substrate surface, the formation of a special surface layer method. At this stage, the heat source used in the welding is mainly oxyacetylene flame.